Chapter Name |
Chapter Location |
Chapter President |
Papillion, Nebraska |
Bob Jeffus |
Dome Rockers #1487 |
Bayard, Nebraska |
Pat Lind |
Omaha, Nebraska |
Nicholas Newman |
Papillion, Nebraska |
Laurel Zielinski |
Norfolk, Nebraska |
Ruth Becker |
North Platte, Nebraska |
Sharon Martens |
Omaha, Nebraska |
Patrice Pirsch |
All Quester Chapters welcome new members and visitors. Visitors may attend three meetings at no charge. When you decide you would like to become a member, yearly dues are collected from each member at the March meeting and submitted to the national office in Philadelphia by the end of the month. When the payment is accepted by the national office, your membership is effective and you will begin receiving the “Quester Quarterly”, the official publication of The Questers. Nebraska members also receive, in the Spring and Fall, “Prairie Tales”, the official newsletter especially created for our members.